Holiday – Nordic Cruise (Wednesday): Olden

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Another really good night’s sleep, we awoke to another day in Paradise. It was only 6am and already there was a blue sky waiting for us! But first, the  serious business of a trip to the Gym and then the other serious bit – breakfast at The Trough otherwise known as The Waterside. It doesn’t seem to matter what time we go there, it’s always heaving with people. In fact, the couple who we shared our table with have a policy that only ‘hubby’ gets the food, as his wife can’t stand the crowds!!!

Then, it was all ashore as we took the dozen-or-so steps into Olden –  a one-elk town, but very scenic nonetheless. The best thing about the visit was that the Captain managed to dock this massive great ship right alongside the jetty – no Tenders required – it just shows that these fjords are very deep!

P1020640Scenes of Olden

With Olden visited, it was back on board to find somewhere suitable for a spot of lizarding. In fact, in spite of the size of Ventura, we ended up not far from where we roasted yesterday – and spent the next three hours there.

Then, after discovering the ice-cream parlour – and a couple of Magnums, we drifted back to our Cabin for the statutory snooze before getting ready for our return visit to East for another fusion feast! The food was (again) superb giving our taste-buds a real workout – yummy!!!

Suitably stuffed, next stop was the in-house movie channel – 200 channels of stuff!

Our last Port tomorrow – Stavanger.

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