The Packing continues/Salvation Army Concert/Ice Age

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We spent part of the morning continuing to pack. It all seems to fit (but the kitchen sink was a bit of a problem!!) – so we should get away with being under the weight limits for BA.

Job done! We’re all packed apart from a few last minute bits and pieces.
dvd_IceAge3 We’re ahead of schedule, so we watched Ice Age 3 on blu-ray DVD. Not a bad film but perhaps not as good a story-as ‘1’ and ‘2’, but the animation was stunning – surely the cutting edge of what is currently possible – we think we could see every hair on the mammoths! Brilliant!!!


We drove down to town to go to the 6.30 performance of the Salvation Army Christmas Carol Concert. Snow…carol singing…Salvation Army Brass band – lovely!!! It doesn’t get more christmassy than this!!!

SalvArmy2009David and Val were there and so were Val’s Mum and Dad, Rose and Mike. Jo, Janet, Helen and Frank were also there and we also saw Joan and the guy who runs Windmill pet Supplies.

It was as usual, a great event. Good music, a great choir, and some well placed and well-thought-out religious messages. The event finished at around 7.45 and we took a slow and very careful drive back home because of the icy conditions. We then went round to David and Val’s for toast (done the proper way, over an open fire) – a great end to a productive and enjoyable day!!!

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