It’s not one of the happiest days of our lives, as we travelled up to Lincoln today for the funeral. The Service was at 11.30 followed by the burial, and then we all went back to Denis’ for a bite to eat. Ann had made a wreath from cream and red roses which looked amazing!
It was a freezing cold day – and foggy too. In fact, it was warmer standing outside the Church waiting for the hearse than it was when we got inside!
It was a touching service that began with some Scottish music being played as they brought the coffin through to the front of the Church. I reckon there was about 50 people there in total – a nice touch, and a measure of how well Mae was known in the village. The disappointing part was that Barry, the blackest of black sheep from the Gambles family didn’t even send a card!!
As far as the Service was concerned, it was very well put together. The Vicar’s talky-bits sounded very sincere, and Denis’s short piece was even more moving…and humorous too! There were a few hymns, although apart from ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’, they were all pretty obscure. That didn’t matter though, because the couple behind us were belting out the songs, in tune, and at full volume, with all the right words – and that covered my inadequacies!!
Ann and Bev held up well, all things considered, and handkerchiefs strategically placed about my person hardly got any use at all. Well done girls!!!
Thirty minutes later, the service was over and the coffin was being wheeled to the waiting hearse. I suppose it’s practical but it did look odd to me, the coffin being wheeled not carried. Ten minutes and a short drive later, and we were all at the local cemetery. This was a first for me – a burial – and I wasn’t sure what to expect. The coffin was wheeled over a very muddy terrain towards the grave, and we dutifully followed. In spite of me having never attended one before, it all started to feel pretty familiar – a cold wind, a light fog, people dotted around the area – there was even crows, right on cue, crowing in the background! (why is that? – what is it with crows and funerals? You only seem to hear them at these events – bizarre!). Some words of comfort from the Vicar, a short period of silence and Mae was placed in her final resting-place.
We all drove back to the house, where Bev had arranged a buffet. In addition to us, the family, there quite a few other people there too. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and I overheard lots of nice things being said about Mae.
We said our good-byes and left about 2.15. We dropped Lee back at hers and then headed home, getting in around 4ish.
It’s been a very moving day for everyone – Bev especially, has had to cope with a lot leading up to, and including today -we’re very proud of her. Well done Hun!
I got into blogging quite late in life, not publishing my first post until 2004 – well into my 40s! My lifelong love of technology and communication (in all its forms), together with a fondness for the art of writing seemed to be the perfect combination to contribute a few words to the online community. But I’m no Samuel Pepys! If you’re looking for deep and meaningful comments on a variety of subjects, then you’ve arrived at the wrong site! I only pen for pleasure! On average, my posts appear about twice per month, covering family & friends, cinema visits, eating out, holiday experiences and techy stuff. Oh, and as this is my hobby, there are no sponsored links nor adverts here – it’s all done with love!
I hope you find it enjoyable, interesting and occasionally, even helpful!
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