It’s Sunday, so why are we up at 4am? Well, our holiday to Germany with Lee and Denis by train started badly with us realising a few days ago that there wasn’t a train a train out of Kettering, that would get us to St Pancras International by the required check-in time of 7am. Plan B kicked in with a taxi at 4.45am (!!!!) to get us to Bedford station in time to get us a very slooooooow train to our start point.
Even for me, 7.30am on a Sunday at St Pancras International feels early. Still, we’ve got a bit of time to kill before departure. I hear a large coffee calling!!!
The Eurostar leaves just before 9am and then just two hours later, we arrive in Brussels, then change trains for Luxembourg, scheduled to arrive at 4pm. Then there’s another change of trains arriving at our destination – Cochem – just before 6pm.
This will be our first guided-tour holiday for over 20 years, so it’ll be interesting to see how we cope with being ‘guided’ over the next week!
Closing down communications now in order to concentrate on our first-time experience of travelling by Eurostar.
Tomorrow, we have the official tour of Cochem.

I got into blogging quite late in life, not publishing my first post until 2004 – well into my 40s! My lifelong love of technology and communication (in all its forms), together with a fondness for the art of writing seemed to be the perfect combination to contribute a few words to the online community. But I’m no Samuel Pepys! If you’re looking for deep and meaningful comments on a variety of subjects, then you’ve arrived at the wrong site! I only pen for pleasure! On average, my posts appear about twice per month, covering family & friends, cinema visits, eating out, holiday experiences and techy stuff. Oh, and as this is my hobby, there are no sponsored links nor adverts here – it’s all done with love!
I hope you find it enjoyable, interesting and occasionally, even helpful!
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