The Kittens arrive…

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They’re here…

Biscuit and Bon Bon – June 2005

Got back from Janet and Nigel’s at around 1.45. As expected the kittens were very cautious at first, but after an hour or so of ‘casing the joint’, the seemed more relaxed.

Janet and Jo came up for Dinner and we all spent ages kitten-watching. It’s always amazing how cats (and especially kitttens) manage to squeeze in to the smallest spaces. In spite of checking the house for KR (that’s ‘Kitten Risk’), Biscuit still managed to get into 30mm gap behind the TV unit and somehow get underneath the TV unit. Ever tried moving a 32″ CRT TV AND a solid wood unit? Oh, what fun! Still, 10 minutes later and Biscuit is freed and a sigh of relief is heard around the lounge.

..then she does it again…

and we rescue her again!

..and again

This time, an old pillow seems to be the answer – stuffed between the unit and the wall. That should help…

The evening finished with both kittens fighting (in a friendly way) and trashing all in their path…

..ahh bless!

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