Fans of the cult BBC series, ‘Life on Mars’ from a few years back may be pleased to know that buried away on Channel ‘FX’ on Fridays at 10pm, is the US version. Given that the US’s track record of taking Brit shows and re-working them doesn’t normally mean a good
move, this doesn’t bode well!
Well, good news (mostly), in that episode one, that aired last Friday, more-or-less keeps the storyline intact. Surprisingly for me, there was one moment where it actually surpassed the Brit version – when, just after Sam’s first encounter with a cop from the 70s, Sam sees the twin towers, intact – a powerful scene, and one that’s bound to have had a more powerful resonance state-side.
Jason O’Mara (who?) plays Sam Tiler whilst Harvey Keitel (I’ve heard of him!) plays Gene Hunt.
It’s probably too early to say how the other episodes will pan-out. I hear that they changed the ending to series one to better suit US audiences – and it’s one of the cheesiest endings ever…ever in the history of TV!
The series was cancelled at the end of the first, back in the US, apparently because the audiences found the storyline too complex – ahh, bless!
Pics courtesy of Digital Spy

I got into blogging quite late in life, not publishing my first post until 2004 – well into my 40s! My lifelong love of technology and communication (in all its forms), together with a fondness for the art of writing seemed to be the perfect combination to contribute a few words to the online community. But I’m no Samuel Pepys! If you’re looking for deep and meaningful comments on a variety of subjects, then you’ve arrived at the wrong site! I only pen for pleasure! On average, my posts appear about twice per month, covering family & friends, cinema visits, eating out, holiday experiences and techy stuff. Oh, and as this is my hobby, there are no sponsored links nor adverts here – it’s all done with love!
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