Lunch and Roger, Jane and Oliver’s

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We drove down to theirs today for a family lunch. Mae and Denis were there but Bev couldn’t be there because she has a big meeting at work tomorrow and a lot of preparation to do.

The journey was a good opportunity to try out Ann’s new hire-car that is identical almost to the one she’ll be buying. It was a very comfortable drive down and the 1.4 petrol engine gave us over 40mpg – excellent!

broom4 Lunch was homemade soup, roast chicken with sheds of veg with home-made apple crumble and lemon tart for pud.

After lunch, we all sat outside as it was another hot, dry day. Everyone was in good spirits and Oliver was his usual energetic self especially with ‘Uncle Stephen’. 🙂 Before I knew it, I was involved in a broomstick battle, but it came to an abrupt end when I broke one!

broom01 After a cuppa and some time to cool down, I helped Roger wire-up our old Sony DVD player to the TV in the play-room – that’ll keep Oliver happy! We also left our other spare DVD player with them for the guest room.

Jane’s popping up to ours in a few weeks’ time to pick-up some tips on general html design and graphics broom3 manipulation for her school’s web-site. So, we spent a bit of time online reviewing the ‘old’ and ‘new’ site for the school to get an idea for what might need changing.

Before we knew it, it was 4.15 and we decided to head home. We left at the same time as Mae and Denis and had a good run back too. We were home by 5.45.

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