21st Century Fox

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Snooty Fox at Lowick

We took the XKR to The Snooty Fox in Lowick tonight to meet up with Geoff, Rhonda, Sue and Paul. Just our luck that we spotted a coach as we pulled into the car-park and that meant a 20-strong coach-party also had the same location in mind!

As a result, even though the staff were working their socks off, the service was pretty slow, but it didn’t stop us enjoying each others’ company… and the food (eventually). Luckily, Wednesday night’s is steak-night, and they offered a really good meal-deal consisting of steak/salad/chips and a free glass of wine!

Old Trainers Never Die - they just recap a lot!
It was a great atmosphere and we had lots to catch with – as Geoff and Rhonda are back to Cyprus tomorrow – and we also managed to set a date for a meal to celebrate my 60th birthday later this year.

A fab time peeps!
Smile Smile

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