Play: The 39 Steps

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Criterion Theatre

Criterion Theatre
It was off to London today, to meet up with Angela C. Our destination was the Criterion Theatre to see the Play: The 39 Steps.

I was hoping to try out my new camera-phone and snap a photograph of Eros, but the statue was covered in scaffolding and hidden from view, so I had to make do with a general shot of the area.

What, No Eros!

The Play was quite quirky – some might say ‘typically English’. Trying to make a comedy out of the original film must have been quite challenging, but all-in-all, the production worked well. It featured a cast of just four, but they worked very hard and played lots of different parts (sometimes at almost the same time!) – and that added to the quirkiness.

We were up in the Gods, in the Dress Circle, where we had a good view and comfortable seats. Given that it was a Wednesday afternoon matinee, it was quite well attended – just over half-full, although the first three rows in the stalls were taken up with ‘Class 3b’ who, if their infectious laughter was anything to go by, thoroughly enjoyed every second of the production!

Although I don’t think it was ‘up there’ with some other great West End plays, it was a fun way to spend a couple of hours – and getting the tickets for £15 rather than £50, certainly helped the overall enjoyment factor (Nice one Angela!).

After the Play, we took the short walk to the Haymarket and I haven’t been to that area for many years. There is some major demolition work going on, removing some of the big buildings on the right as you walk down towards Trafalgar Square. Neither of us could recall what used to be there, but whatever the replacement is, it will change the vista significantly.

Not knowing the area particularly well, we drifted into VietCafe. As the name suggests it was a Cafe serving Vietnamese food. It was empty when we arrived, but by the time we left, it was pretty-much full. The food was good and it provided the service to match.

It was a great day – and the perfect diversion to take my mind off of tomorrow’s event. It was a hassle-free train journey home and I got in about 9.50.

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