Winner, Winner! TV Dinner! – Top Gun: Maverick (again!)

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Well, I think that’s a record (even for us, as big Tom Cruise fans!).

We first saw Top Gun – Maverick with Jo & Janet just after it first came out (June 2022).

Next, it was at one of our TV Dinners with David & Valerie (February 2023) and more recently, at Boughton House (May 2023) with Jo, Janet & Carol – where we also ran into Rosi and David.

TV Dinner

So, tonight made it our fourth viewing, this time with good friends Trish & John – their first watch – all helped along with one of Ann’s superb TV Dinners!

We’re pleased to report that the combination of Tom Cruise, Lasagne & Salad, followed by Cheese and Biscuits plus a cheeky Rhubarb Crumble all went down a treat! 👍. There was also some Prosecco, a bottle of Rosé and a Shiraz in there somewhere too! 🤪🤪🤪🤪. It seemed strange doing all this in the MIDDLE of a week (rather than the usual Friday or Saturday), but we soon got used to it! 😉😊.

It turned into a relatively late one for us – for all the right reasons – and I eventually dropped J&T back at theirs just before 11pm. We all agreed that we’d do something similar again where the challenge will be to find a movie that we all like. My suggestion is Mission Impossible – Dead Reckoning (Part 1) that we saw at the cinema back in July.

Nighty-night! 🕚 💤😴

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