A crappy day weather-wise. Woke up to SOME sunshine, but it deteriorated rapidy to rain, rain and more rain! Then the sun came out!
So, we had a lazy morning, reading and me catching up with various podcasts including the excellent WhoCast covering episode reviews of the recent series – series 3 – of Doctor Who.
10.30 We eventually decided to go out and take a trip to Stafford. A bit of a dump and we felt the shops were a bit disappointing too! – very Corby-esque! On the plus-side, the weather brightened up!
13.00. So, back in the car and on our way to ‘Shugborough Hall’ (National Trust). Car park was busy and that’s always a good sign. We headed for the House and decised to stop off for a snack first. Just as we got inside the tea-room, the heavens opened – trapped in a building and surrounded by food – shame! :))
Shugborough Hall was great. Anson, the one of the owners was the next man to circum-navigate the globe after Drake in ‘HMS Centurion’ and took with him a revolutionary timepiece by The equally famous ‘John Harrison’
16.15. Back to base – time for feet-up and a read before our final visit to ‘The Bull’s Head’ for our evening meal.
19.05 Off to ‘The Bull’s Head’ for our last meal there. As usual, the food was excellent, but the service was mediocre – we feel sorry for the staff, they’ve obviously never been trained!
20.50 Back to the Station…
Home tomorrow – we have to be out by 10am
I got into blogging quite late in life, not publishing my first post until 2004 – well into my 40s! My lifelong love of technology and communication (in all its forms), together with a fondness for the art of writing seemed to be the perfect combination to contribute a few words to the online community. But I’m no Samuel Pepys! If you’re looking for deep and meaningful comments on a variety of subjects, then you’ve arrived at the wrong site! I only pen for pleasure! On average, my posts appear about twice per month, covering family & friends, cinema visits, eating out, holiday experiences and techy stuff. Oh, and as this is my hobby, there are no sponsored links nor adverts here – it’s all done with love!
I hope you find it enjoyable, interesting and occasionally, even helpful!
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