70, not out!

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We celebrated Ian’s 70th tonight, together with 30-or-so friends and family at his place. His birthday had been on the previous Monday and this significant get-together had been organised by his other half, Ann – with military precision – and been in our diary for a year!

With plenty of food and drink, some familiar faces from the past, most of the family in attendance (complete with grand-children) it was a great event, and we caught up with some faces that we haven’t seen for nearly 20 years! Hard to believe that I’ve known Ian for just over 30 – where have the years gone??!! By coincidence, it turned out to be Ann’s birthday on the night too! – but the spotlight was most definitely on Ian, and I think that’s how Ann preferred it!

And if that wasn’t enough celebration for a Saturday evening, we dropped into Rosi’s to catch the tail-end of another in the gang’s pre-Xmas ‘eatathons’. We arrived just before midnight, and the get-together was in full swing. We’d missed all the food (well, mostly – Rosi did manage to conjure some of her spicy chicken for me to try!), but it was good to see everyone again and we were soon in full gossip-mode.

Before we knew it, it was 1.30am and therefore our cue to leave. In year’s gone-by, the party would have carried on, but I guess we’re all a little older now, and our exit saw everyone else grab their coats too. Trish and John taxied Tom and Julie, whilst we did the same for Paul and Karen – leaving David and Rosi the herculean task of sorting out the washing-up!

We hit the pillow at 2am!😴😴💤💤

Next neighbours’ ‘eatathon’ is at Tom and Julie’s on the 2nd December, then it’s Trish and John’s on the 9th – and I feel I need to get into some sort of training for these! 😁


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