That Syncing Feeling

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Syncing.NETMost of us have more than one PC these days – you’ve probably got one at home, and the other is your laptop or netbook. On each of those PCs you are probably using email at different times for different things. I’m the same, and the major frustration for me, is that some emails that I’m working on, or I’ve sent, are on the home pc, whilst some are on my Netbook.

Wouldn’t life be great, if I didn’t have to remember which email is where, because the two PCs stayed in ‘sync’ with each other? Step-forward then, a piece of software called syncing.NET. Install it on each PC, set-up an account, choose which folders within your email programs that you wish to keep in sync (inbox, drafts, sent items etc.) and after an initial copy of the raw data, everything then syncs beautifully, silently, quickly in the background without any further intervention from you.

If that’s not enough, in addition, the program also syncs files across PCs as well as your Contacts, Appointments and Tasks (if you want it to). Brilliant!

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